Crystal L. Elliott

Pekin Hospital

As vice president of human resources and organizational development at Pekin Hospital, Crystal Elliott is responsible for oversight, strategic planning and implementation processes in the areas of human resources, volunteer services, business development, marketing and community relations, wellness and the patient experience.

Since joining the hospital’s Administrative Council in 2011, Elliott has continually expanded her duties. She is currently leading the revival of the hospital’s wellness presence in the community and has taken initiative in marketing its expanded services to area employers. In addition to restructuring the hospital’s Patient Experience Program and expanding its Volunteer Program, she serves as administrator on call, handling any issues that arise on weekends, evenings or holidays, and coordinates the hospital’s quarterly Leadership Development Institute.

Under Elliott’s leadership, the Human Resources Department was recognized with a People Pillar Award for excellent service. She has served on the board of the Central Illinois Society for Healthcare Human Resource Administration in a range of officer roles. During her term as president, CISHHRA was recognized as an outstanding chapter by its national parent organization, and Elliott was personally recognized for outstanding leadership in 2010 and 2013.

A volunteer with the Pekin Hospital Foundation, Elliott represents the hospital at health fairs, the Women’s Lifestyle Show and other events. She was instrumental in creating “Dash at Dusk,” an annual 5K run, walk and kid fun run that benefits the hospital’s annual international mission trip. A graduate of the Pekin Area Chamber of Commerce Leadership Academy, she is a member of Kiwanis and participant in the Heartland Healthcare Coalition. At St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Glasford, she volunteers as a substitute Sunday school teacher and Vacation Bible School aide, and formerly sat on the Compensation Committee.

Highly involved in the lives of her husband and two daughters, Elliott is active in youth programs in the Limestone area, coaching softball and assisting with volleyball, soccer and basketball. All the while, she juggles her work responsibilities, family needs and community service with warmth and professionalism. iBi


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