Insuring Success

Life Has No Guarantees
Recently while I was driving to the office, I noticed a fly on the outside of the windshield. At first I thought it was dead and stuck there, but when I slowed for a light it moved, so I knew it was alive and hanging on for dear life. I kept watching it as I drove (talk about distractions) and was struck with the fact that even for a fly, life is precious. This one got a second chance, because as soon as I stopped it flew away.

We all know how precious life is and how quickly things can change. Many of us have received a second chance ourselves, whether it was an escape from a bad accident, or recovery from a life-threatening disease. Those events can happen before we’re prepared. What we don’t always think about is what the consequences will be to those we cherish in this life if we die unexpectedly.

Preparation means you do an analysis of what the financial needs of your loved ones will be if you die, and when you get a monetary figure, you buy life insurance on yourself. Sounds simple enough, and it is—as long as you take care of this business while you’re healthy and can qualify for coverage. Procrastination is probably the main obstacle when it comes to buying life insurance. The life insurance products are changing, so it’s a good idea to talk to your agent and decide the best type of life insurance for your situation.

Those who have taken care of their life insurance needs might not be aware that one of the most important parts of your policy is the named beneficiary who’ll receive your death benefit. Most people choose their spouse, children, or other close relatives. Often times, people forget about whom they named, which could someday be a big problem. Sometimes when people get divorced, then remarry a few years later, they forget to change the beneficiary on their life insurance. It’s a good idea to review beneficiary designations to avoid questions or disputes at the time of your death.

No one can get a guarantee on life expectancy, so do what you can to at least guarantee the security of your loved ones. Unfortunately, we can’t all end up as lucky as that fly. tpw

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