From the Editor

Dressing for Success
The numerous mail-order catalogs and magazines promoting the "hottest" new looks for spring 2005 have been arriving since January. It's only after the holiday shopping bills are paid off, taxes paid, and the weather stays above 65 degrees that I begin thinking about my spring wardrobe.

When I've gathered my courage and locked the bedroom door, I begin trying on last season's warm weather clothes. It helps, of course, that I've just read the "what's in" and "what's out" items and know at a glance what items I shouldn't try. "What was I thinking?" I ask myself sometimes. It's difficult for me to abide by the "one-year" rule, although I know it would help my attitude and closet space substantially.

My friend, Mary Ardapple, owner of Apple's Bakery Northside Market and current YWCA Leader Luncheon Award winner, put it all into perspective one morning. As usual, she came to greet her guests in the dining area. Usually, I couldn't tell you what Mary is wearing because her familiar white kitchen apron is protecting her clothes. That day, she was in a business suit sans apron. We chatted for a bit, and she admitted she was off to one of her many community meetings and wanted to stay out of the kitchen. Mary loves to cook and admits to getting lost in the creativity and production of cooking. "When I need to put on another hat, I have to change clothes," she laughed.

She's right, of course. Acceptable office business attire has changed through the years-from the skirt suit to pantsuit to more relaxed business casual. Like Mary, I have difficulty cooking in a business suit or attending a business meeting in jeans and t-shirt. My mind just can't focus on the task at hand when my body isn't properly attired. A woman must divide closet space into office, leisure, and cocktail/evening attire, with appropriate shoes and purses, of course. It took me the longest time to determine what to wear to the office when CIBP began casual Fridays. Complicated by an outside meeting or two, I've almost given up on my participation.

Now that it's officially spring, I've made my shopping list: bright colored accessories to go with my basic black skirts and slacks and maybe a new pair of low-heeled shoes or three-inch wedges. My husband reminded me recently to schedule those golf lessons to go with the golf attire and accessories purchased with all good intentions. Yes…dress for success in every event! TPW

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