My Word!

Words have power. Speaking gives us an opportunity to dip a bucket into our creative well and haul out the perfect life-giving words for that moment. The power of words lies in their surface meaning and in qualities hidden from view. For empowered speakers, knowledge comes from many layers of experience which can be packaged into a few syllables. For example, “I moved to Florida to escape the cold,” speaks volumes, opening the door of communication with almost every listener. The memory of a word has been absorbed into our being. Say snow and listeners often shudder.
We are wrapped in words the way a spider wraps flies in a delicate web. Because we weave our own verbal web, we are both spider and fly. We can choose to speak words of success and positivism which help us break out of any negative patterns or we can speak words of defeat which keep us tangled in a negative net!
The most powerful words any of us say are yes and no. Everything we think we can do has a yes buried somewhere inside it. Everything we think we cannot do has a no concealed in our memory bank. Our self-talk often comes from parents and teachers.
For example, a substitute teacher looked at a lesson plan provided by the regular teacher, noting that the class was seated in order of their IQs. Those with higher IQs were seated in the front and those with lower IQs in the back. As the week progressed, the substitute teacher enjoyed interacting with the students and when the teacher returned she said, “You were so right to seat the smartest students in front so that I could focus on them.” “Oh no,” replied the teacher. “They aren’t seated in order of their IQs; they are seated in order of their gym locker numbers!” Self-fulfilling gossamer of woven words, indeed!
Language both reflects and creates reality. No matter how deeply imprinted the power of words in our subconscious, we can change our programming. We can use words to say yes to things that we have been taught to say no to and vice versa. Our words become our shuttle in weaving a new world of meanings to replace the old messages we have received. We create our reality through our word choice.
Words contain both knowledge and intention. Therefore, framing an intention in words is the first step in making it come true. Whenever a word is backed up by intention, it enters the field of “awareness” as a message or request. When we speak, we are sending our intended desires to our audience, be it one or 1,000. If our message is cloudy, the result will be also. If our intention is clear, the resulting impact will be also.
Through our words we harness our creative power. Our spoken words are not just sounds, they are the force we have to express and communicate to others and ourselves what we want to happen in our lives, our families, our community and our world. Our words are the most powerful tools we have to create beautiful dreams or to destroy everything around us. They are the bridge connecting our inner voice and our outer reality.
Understanding the huge impact of the spoken word, we must carefully choose the words which come out of our mouths. We are not cartoon characters speaking in bubbles on a page; we are humans wanting to connect with those around us.
By honoring the power of what sounds come out of our mouths, we will not be tripped up in a verbal spider’s web, but rather like Hamlet, our words will flow trippingly on the tongue!
Edith Barnard is a local motivational speaker. For more of her word play, visit IBI