Better Days To Come

Just as “2020” became a stock response to any problem we encountered last year, perhaps “2021” represents hope for better days to come.

by Jan Wright, Publisher

I cannot recall being more ready for a new year than I am for 2021. The last year has been a blur, and I’m more than happy to let the dramatic challenges of 2020 recede into the past. Still, I couldn’t be prouder of how our team managed to keep our publications, programs and events going amid this very difficult landscape. We were there to document the stories of our community—from the triumphs to the struggles—and appreciate that you trust us to bring you that information. 

The biggest missing link in many of our lives has been the lack of interaction with family, friends and loved ones. I have been unable to visit my mother in the nursing home for many months, and have had only limited contact with my out-of-state children and close friends. I look forward to the day (hopefully later this year?) when we can all be together without fear of a dangerous virus. With multiple vaccine candidates already being distributed, it seems there is reason for cautious optimism.

Just as “2020” became a stock response to any problem we encountered last year, perhaps “2021” represents hope for better days to come. It certainly does for me, personally. I recently married my best friend, and our bond has made my transition of growing older (and signing up for Social Security and Medicare!) a bit easier to swallow. We are thankful for our health and our careers, and we both know that joy can come again after a loss. For all the loss in 2020, we sincerely hope that 2021 brings equivalent joy.

We remain so very grateful for your continued support. We thank our local restaurants, small businesses and nonprofits for their commitment to our community in the face of such extraordinary circumstances. And we especially appreciate the first responders and healthcare workers who have been on the front lines of this pandemic from day one. 

As we look to the future, I am thankful that my son Jon and daughter-in-law Mae have a better understanding of our increasingly technology-driven world than I do. They are why we were able to “virtualize” our events and maintain a semblance of continuity last year. We have some exciting plans for 2021 and cannot wait to share them with you! 

A new year offers a fresh, new start. May our decisions be guided by compassion, and let us celebrate our differences—the unique and diverse tapestry that makes our community great. We wish you health, wellness and great happiness in this new year of 2021. PM

Peoria Magazine: January 2021
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