Generation Trending… The Media Shift

The Millennial generation has long been a key demographic for companies, and Generation Z is now emerging from beneath its shadow. A pair of new studies from Deloitte and GlobalWebIndex zero in on these coveted cohorts, offering insights into consumer behavior—from cord-cutting to binge-watching—that is already beginning to transform numerous industries… and where they lead, others are sure to follow.

By 2020, Generation Z will reach 84.7 million individuals and comprise 24.7 percent of the American population, though it lags behind millennials and Gen X in terms of total numbers. Globally, the Gen Z population is expected to reach 2.56 billion individuals by 2020.
Gen Z: Get Ready for the Most Self-Conscious, Demanding Consumer Segment, Fung Business Intelligence, August 2016,
  1. Love of social.Among internet users worldwide, one out of every three minutes spent online is devoted to social networking and messaging—for a daily average of more than two hours. The average internet user now has eight social media accounts.
  2. Growth of Instagram and Snapchat. Among social media outlets, Instagram’s popularity continues to grow, and now surpasses Twitter among 16- to 34-year-olds. Snapchat is the most popular messaging app among Gen Z, while Facebook continues to be popular.
  3. Maturity of online video. Ninety-two percent of internet users ages 16 to 64 watch video online every month. Just under half watch online TV—a number that jumps by 50 percent among 16- to 34-year-olds.
  4. Gen Z loves Netflix. Seventy percent of 14- to 19-year-olds in North America watch Netflix each month, and binge-watching is huge. Forty percent of Millennial and Gen Z binge watchers do so each week, averaging five hours of viewing in a typical session.
  5. Free streaming is king. Nearly a majority of U.S. households subscribe to services like Hulu, Amazon Prime and Netflix. That number rises to 60 percent among Gen Z, Millennials and Gen X audiences. About 40 percent of time is spent on free streaming services, versus paid content (35%).

Deloitte’s latest Digital Democracy Survey is available for download at The Gen Z report from GlobalWebIndex can be downloaded at

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