The Cause for Canonization

Since his ordination as a priest in 1919 at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen has been an international icon of service and faith. A renowned theologian, the El Paso native rose to prominence as a radio personality and television host, drawing as many as 30 million viewers each week. He also wrote 73 books in his lifetime, among many other accomplishments.

In 2002, just over two decades after his death, Bishop Jenky petitioned the Vatican to open the cause for Archbishop Sheen’s canonization. After a rigorous investigation, with results submitted to the Vatican in 2008, Pope Benedict awarded Sheen the title of Venerable. The next step requires two miracles in his name to be documented and confirmed. So far, one miracle has been declared and is under review at the Vatican. Should it be approved as legitimate, Sheen will earn the title of Blessed; a second miracle would complete the canonization process, allowing him to become a fully confirmed saint.

The Archbishop’s remains are currently interred in a crypt at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan, but legal processes are underway to transfer his body to St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria. Bringing his remains to the church of his ordination would be a significant stepping stone in the path to canonization. For more information, visit or stop by the Archbishop Fulton Sheen Museum. a&s

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