Take 10

Lindsey Reck

A lifelong Peorian, Lindsey Reck has made her dreams come true at the young age of 24. After graduating from Dunlap High School and Bradley University, she landed a job with AmeriCorps, where she realized she needed to make her passion her profession. After much research, Pooch Couture began as a kiosk at Northwoods Mall last November, before moving to a storefront at Junction City in January of this year. When not stressing out over the latest doggie fashions, researching the healthiest pet food or helping dogs pick out their next favorite toys, Reck can be found relaxing with friends and family, reading a good piece of fiction, or catching up on the latest reality TV.

  1. The one TV show I don’t usually tell people I watch is…The Real Housewives series, any city. I’m a huge sucker for reality TV.
  2. What three words best describe you? Outgoing, ambitious, loyal.
  3. What is your greatest fear? My greatest fear, hands down, is sharks. 
  4. What is your most treasured possession? Macy, my one-year-old Yorkie mix, is my pride and joy.
  5. What do you consider your greatest achievement? Opening my own store and achieving a major life goal before the age of 25.
  6. If you were to die and come back as a person or thing, what would it be? I would love to come back as the President of the United States’ shoes, just so I can know what it’s like to live day-to-day as the President.
  7. What’s the best thing about being you? I get to play with all kinds of dogs while their owners deal with all the responsibility!
  8. What is your favorite vacation spot? Anywhere on the Gulf Coast.
  9. What was your childhood dream job? For many years, I wanted to be the trainer who swims with the killer whales at Sea World.
  10. What are the first three songs that pop up on your iPod’s shuffle? “Born This Way” by Lady Gaga, “Kerosene” by Miranda Lambert, “Sunday Morning” by Maroon 5. a&s

Source URL: http://ww2.peoriamagazines.com/as/2011/jul-aug/take-10