Take 10

Rick LeHew

Born in Decatur, Rick LeHew moved to Peoria at an early age and attended Hines Grade School, Dunlap High School, Illinois Central College and Bradley University. For the past 14 years, he has served as the director of field services for the Chicago District Golf Association.

Among his many accomplishments on the golf course, LeHew is the reigning Illinois State Mid-Amateur champion, seven-time Peoria Men’s City Champion, seven-time Greater Peoria Open Champion and four-time Peoria Stroke Play Champion. A 2003 recipient of the 40 Leaders Under Forty award, LeHew has accomplished a lot off the course as well by volunteering for Easter Seals, the United States Golf Association, the Steve Maxheimer Scholarship Foundation and the Independent Sports Club.


  1. My life won’t be complete until I…Play golf in a major championship.
  2. The one TV show I don’t usually tell people I watch is…The Apprentice.
  3. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Be nicer in stressful situations.
  4. What’s the best thing about being you? Having an awesome family and being in a career that I love!
  5. What’s one thing you should throw away but haven’t? 100 golf shirts.
  6. If you could spend one hour doing absolutely anything, what would you do? Fly an F-18 Hornet jet.
  7. What is something that always brings a smile to your face? When my daughter walks through the door with a big smile.
  8. What are you most proud of? Going back to school at Bradley as a non-traditional student and receiving my degree.
  9. If you were able to retrieve only one item on the way out of your burning house, what would it be? Once my wife (Kim), daughter (Zofia) and dog (Brewski) are out safe…nothing else matters.
  10. What animal are you the most like? A big ol’ whale.  a&s


Source URL: http://ww2.peoriamagazines.com/as/2009/jul-aug/take-10