Pathways to Success

What Glass Ceiling?
by Marcy Slane
“In 1999, Susan Rees, the President of Women in Management, now Women in Leadership (WIL), got a committee together to see if her group and our chapter of NAWBO could join together for a conference,” explained Pat Hagenbuch, a member of the local chapter of the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) since 1982, as well as past president and board member, and co-owner and corporate secretary of Philippi-Hagenbuch, Inc., in Peoria. “We did unite, and the two organizations have been linked together since then for this annual conference.”

The conference she’s referring to is the Pathways to Success Conference, a joint collaboration presented by NAWBO and WIL that’s celebrating its seventh year October 18. Kathy Schaeffer, WIL past president, current NAWBO secretary/board of directors, and director of Business Development for Stellar Systems, Inc., noted that at that time, just seven years ago, “women were still trying to overcome the predominately male-occupied leadership/ management roles. This conference was an avenue for women to follow their ‘Pathways to Success.’”

Here’s a little history on the collaborators of Pathways to Success. NAWBO is a nonprofit national organization representing the interests of all women entrepreneurs in all types of businesses. The organization provides a voice for women business owners, fosters communication, training, technical assistance, and learning opportunities through programs, seminars, and service. It increases the visibility of women business owners and encourages their participation in the business community. WIL was formed to inspire and guide women to excel both professionally and personally. “We’re a locally based organization dedicated to promoting leadership among women by providing mentoring, networking, and educational opportunities,” said Schaeffer.

NAWBO members are made up of diverse women business owners. “We have women in our membership who have been business owners for over 35 years to a new emerging owner a year or less, learning the ropes,” said Hagenbuch.

And WIL’s roster includes managers, entrepreneurs, and professionals with a sincere commitment to their personal and professional growth. “Members must be responsible for the recognized management or leadership functions of organizing, planning, motivating, and controlling their areas of responsibility,” Schaeffer said. “We encourage positive attitudes, offer mentoring, are supportive of our members and have the philosophy that our organization is only as good as our members—that’s why we have only the best.”

This year’s theme is “Life Under Construction,” which Hagenbuch explained “is about striving for excellence—in our careers, our communities, and our personal lives. It’s about image, collaboration, competition, and the skills we need to build the best life for ourselves and those we care about each and every day. This year’s empowering program will entertain, educate, and give participants practical tools they can put to immediate use in their daily lives. They’ll enjoy dynamic presenters and network with other local professional women.”

Each year, the conference tries to relate to something significant for those of us in central Illinois, so a natural choice for this year’s theme was the I-74 project, which— unless they’ve been living under a rock—every resident in the Peoria area has been affected by. “Women, in general, have many things they have to balance on a daily basis,” said Schaeffer. “Home, children, a professional life, volunteer activities…we sometimes feel like we’re in a constant building/construction environment. It’s our hope that the women attending Pathways to Success 2006 will walk away with food for thought from our educational breakouts, spend some time with other women facing the challenges of everyday life just like they do, and learn to become more balanced, enjoy some laughs, and establish new contacts and relationships.”

Schaeffer said the annual Pathways to Success Conference is a major fundraiser for the two organizations, and it’s been celebrating success annually. “The conference has grown from approximately 50 women attending to over 170, with a few men sprinkled in. We’ve brought in nationally known speakers as our keynote and enhanced the conference by obtaining event sponsors, exhibitors, a silent auction, and a 50/50 raffle.”

The Pathways to Success Conference takes place October 18 at Weaver Ridge. Registration and afternoon breakout sessions run from 2 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. The network dinner and keynote presentation is from 4:45 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The keynote speaker is Pat McGill, author, columnist, speaker, and trainer. Prior to her dinner presentation, there will be exhibits and break-out sessions, featuring Stephanie Calahan, Chuck Brown, Pat McGill, Becky Cobb, and Patti Staton (see page 11 for more information on the sessions).

For further details, contact Kathy Schaeffer at 677- 7350, ext. 15, or visit or Schaeffer added, “We encourage every business in the area to send at least one representative to this conference. Once attended, you’ll want to keep coming back every year.” tpw

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