From the Editor

May Milestones
The month of May has always been special-it’s more of a beginning than January in my mind. It marks the end of the school year and brings the excitement of graduations and recognitions. The end of May can trigger new beginnings: the first day of summer daycare or camp, the first prom, the first job, or that important walk down the matrimonial aisle.

Locally, in May, the annual Race for the Cure and the YWCA Leader Luncheon highlight achievement. Mother’s Day weekend is followed by Memorial Day picnics, opening day pool parties, or perhaps launching the boat for the first time this season. Preparing the vegetable garden and annual planting begin mid-May. Vacations and changes in daily schedules add variety to established winter routines. During more than one summer, our family moved to a new home, so packing and unpacking, meeting new neighbors, and redecorating and/or remodeling kept us busy. Milestones and memories are often bittersweet, and as this summer approaches, I can see, feel, hear, smell, and taste the May memories of yesterday.

This May, I proudly watched my youngest child graduate from high school, knowing that chapter of life is closing. Bittersweet, as we know it’s the last time the "group" will gather for Prom photographs. The excitement of a new adventure, as we’ll pack this summer to begin college life, replaces the sadness of leaving high school friends behind.

May will mark my own wedding anniversary and a year in our current home. This Race for the Cure will be the last all-women’s race-amazing how it’s grown. The annual YWCA Leader Luncheon celebrates current women leaders and reminds me of the surprise and pride of being selected myself in 1993. Was it really that long ago?

Looking back, I remember feeling the pride of achievement and celebration in the month of May probably more than any other month of the year. So, another May, another milestone. I only wish I’d taken a bit more time enjoying the moment as each milestone was marked. I look forward to the future with excitement, wondering what the next year will bring. Revel in your accomplishments. Enjoy the memories.The month of May has always been special-it’s more of a beginning than January in my mind. It marks the end of the school year and brings the excitement of graduations and recognitions. The end of May can trigger new beginnings: the first day of summer daycare or camp, the first prom, the first job, or that important walk down the matrimonial aisle.

Locally, in May, the annual Race for the Cure and the YWCA Leader Luncheon highlight achievement. Mother’s Day weekend is followed by Memorial Day picnics, opening day pool parties, or perhaps launching the boat for the first time this season. Preparing the vegetable garden and annual planting begin mid-May. Vacations and changes in daily schedules add variety to established winter routines. During more than one summer, our family moved to a new home, so packing and unpacking, meeting new neighbors, and redecorating and/or remodeling kept us busy. Milestones and memories are often bittersweet, and as this summer approaches, I can see, feel, hear, smell, and taste the May memories of yesterday.

This May, I proudly watched my youngest child graduate from high school, knowing that chapter of life is closing. Bittersweet, as we know it’s the last time the "group" will gather for Prom photographs. The excitement of a new adventure, as we’ll pack this summer to begin college life, replaces the sadness of leaving high school friends behind.

May will mark my own wedding anniversary and a year in our current home. This Race for the Cure will be the last all-women’s race-amazing how it’s grown. The annual YWCA Leader Luncheon celebrates current women leaders and reminds me of the surprise and pride of being selected myself in 1993. Was it really that long ago?

Looking back, I remember feeling the pride of achievement and celebration in the month of May probably more than any other month of the year. So, another May, another milestone. I only wish I’d taken a bit more time enjoying the moment as each milestone was marked. I look forward to the future with excitement, wondering what the next year will bring. Revel in your accomplishments. Enjoy the memories. TPW

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