
Alternative to the FluMist Vaccine
The campaign to persuade you to take the FluMist plunge will be the "most intense, direct-to-consumer marketing campaign ever waged for a vaccine," costing an estimated $25 million over the next two and a half months, according to The Washington Post (9/10/03). In addition, the drug makers are planning a three-year, $100 million campaign to encourage use of the nasal flu vaccine among physicians, based on another Washington Post story from June 18.

Even though there’s likely a huge profit for the drug makers, there are many reasons for caution. FluMist contains live influenza viruses that replicate in the nasopharynx of the vaccine recipient. The most common side effects include "cough, runny nose/nasal congestion, irritability, headaches, chills, muscle aches and fever over 100 degrees F," according to the drug’s package insert. These symptoms are nearly identical to those the flu vaccine is designed to prevent.

One great concern is the vaccine’s most prevalent side effects: "runny nose" and "nasal congestion." It’s been documented that the live viruses from the vaccine can be shed-and potentially spread into the community-from recipient children for up to 21 days, and even longer for adults.

Sneezing can also disperse the virus. What’s the normal response when an irritant enters the nasal passages? Usually one or more sneezes. As such, there’s a huge risk of shedding and spreading live flu viruses throughout a school, church, workplace, or store-especially a store giving the vaccine.

In the section of the FluMist package insert labeled "precautions," the manufacturer states the following warning: "FluMist recipients should avoid close contact with immunocompromised individuals for at least 21 days." The number of immunocompromised people in the U.S. is enormous; according to numerous sources, people exhibiting depressed immune systems include those suffering from eczema, cancer, HIV/AIDS, and organ recipients. An even more extensive list of at-risk people includes the untold millions on corticosteroids. As much as 60 percent of the entire population could be considered to be chemically immunosuppressed.

FluMist is contraindicated for people who are immunocompromised, so if you receive FluMist and are living with someone who’s immuncompromised, you’re putting your loved ones at risk.

The target market for FluMist is "healthy children and adults, ages 5 to 49 years." Some believe that by vaccinating these people, a type of "herd immunity" will occur that will protect the very young and elderly who are excluded from getting this vaccine. However, it’s this very population that may suffer the most from the flu by being exposed to people who are given FluMist.

According to information presented at the May 2003 National Influenza Summit, almost 85 percent of Americans between the ages of 20 and 50 go unvaccinated, and nearly 66 percent between the ages 50 and 64 don’t receive the flu vaccine. This year, there’s been an increase in flu cases from a strain in the current flu vaccine, yet many are saying it’s more important than ever to be vaccinated by the vaccine that apparently wouldn’t help anyway.

A strong immune system is the best way to fight the common cold and flu. A healthy lifestyle including a well-balanced diet, exercise, positive mental attitude, and properly functioning nervous system through regular chiropractic care is a great way to keep your body ready for battle. TPW

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