
Chiropractic Care Can Help Relieve Menopause Symptoms
Menopause is considered a normal stage of life, but the effects of it are nothing we would like to consider normal. Abnormal bone loss and low back pain are two of the more common effects of menopause. In a recent study, 89 to 100 percent of the women who opted for alternative methods for relief of symptoms due to menopause reported a decrease in symptoms. This included the 0.9 percent who chose chiropractic care.

Chiropractic can help decrease symptoms and increase overall health by correcting subluxations. Regular chiropractic adjustments help to correct these subluxations and allow the body’s nerves to work at their optimal function. This may help to decrease many symptoms simply because our nerves control almost everything in our body.

Many women have recently become aware of research regarding menopause, hormone replacement therapy, and its potentially negative effects. The largest study was so alarming researchers prematurely ended the study because they felt the effects of hormone replacement therapy were too severe on the patients involved.

A study conducted by the Women’s Health Initiative included 16,608 women aged 50 to 79 with intact uteruses. The women were given daily estrogen-progestin or placebos. “The primary outcomes were the occurrence of coronary artery disease (CAD) events (nonfatal myocardial infarction and CAD related death) and invasive breast cancer.” Further outcomes included fractures due to osteoporosis and even cancer (both endometrial and colorectal).

This was the first controlled study to determine the long-term effects of hormone replacement therapy to prevent chronic disease and was stopped after the first five years of the eight-year study because the detrimental effects to the women using the hormone replacement therapy outweighed the benefits.

A study conducted by the Women’s Health Initiative showed us even more alarming facts. There was an increase in heart attacks and stroke in women that were considered healthy. Research before this project had indicated HRT would decrease the incidence of these occurring. It was also stated that “the incidence of breast cancer and blood clots also increased in the treatment group—not a wholly unexpected result.” 

Some women may wonder what the alternatives are. In addition to chiropractic, there are some steps we can take nutritionally to help in the fight. Soy products have been shown to help in reducing hot flashes and protecting against heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis. Ipriflavone, a part of soy, has been shown to increase bone density in post-menopausal osteoporotic women.

There are many vitamin supplements that have been shown to decrease hot flashes: vitamin E, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, chromium, bioflavinoids, and oryzanol. Vitamin E, vitamin K, B vitamins, and bioflavinoids help with mood swings.

Weight bearing activities such as walking and jogging may help strengthen bone structure. This must be done with caution, especially since jogging may also increase the effect of biomechanical deficiencies.

You should never start a nutritional or exercise program without first consulting your doctor of chiropractic. If you or someone you know is suffering from menopause-related symptoms, there may be help. Schedule an appointment with a chiropractor and start on the road to a better you. TPW

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