Embrace the Journey

Rejuvenate Yourself with New Year
There is a certain healing factor to a new year. As with all chances at beginning anew, symbolic or real, there is a sense of rebirth.

For a time, we believe that "first day of the rest of your life" thing.

As we turn the calendar to 2002, there is a "packing it in" or "closing the book", (choose your cliché) kind of feeling. Even if we are presently in the midst of crisis, there is a brief respite in our hearts, a renewed strength or resolve the worst is surely behind us.

We need to utilize these renewal moments in our journey. These are times to stop our dizzying pace, if even for a few minutes, and drink in the nurturing nectar of the circle of life. If we take just a short time, we grasp a glimpse of our travels—a sense of where we’ve been and where we are going.

If we are extra aware, there may even be a moment of magic where we catch a whisper of why we are here. Relish this rite of renewal. Bask in the moments of serenity that comes with it.

As for the year 2002, make your resolutions. Feel the power of your own private promises. I don’t know this process has to have a guarantee of success.

There can be joy and rejuvenation in the simple experience of brainstorming dreams. Don’t inhibit yourself with the mundane details of physical capabilities or time constraints. Let yourself go. Will you accomplish everything on your dream list?

Probably not. But oh, the exhilaration of the power of potential. A wise man once told me (or at least seemed wise when I was 14), "Aim for the top—you, at the very least, will hit the middle" which I have learned is much better than never having tried!

So begin the journey of 2002 with renewal and the peace of this year’s new promise. But don’t stop there.

Be aware of the windows of opportunity throughout the year to rejuvenate. We meet these moments at every turn if our eyes are aware.

One night this Winter, when you look out the window and see snow flakes the size of dinner plates, pass on the irritation of harder travel the next morning, and let your heart take over. Put on something cozy and go for a walk. Hear the whispers of the flakes as they float around you. Catch a couple on your tongue. Feel the nourishment it offers.

Later, when you can hardly bear the thought of another cold, harsh Winter day, turn the blues into a quest for crocus. The first small, but mighty, blasts of color fill us with joy of new birth that surrounds us each spring.

Cherish the moments of new life all around you. Hold tiny new babies every chance you get. The wise eyes of a newborn and the tiny hand enfolding your finger are a gift from God. Accept it.

If new babies are not available, play with new kittens or puppies. Let the new life nurture yours.

When all is said and done, what we look for along our path will have a great impact on how we define our journey. Let your heart hold on to the excitement and joy is all around you. It’s just waiting to be noticed and appreciated if we have the eyes to see. So start celebrating the peace that comes from new beginning. After all, it really is the first day of the rest of your life. TPW

Source URL: http://ww2.peoriamagazines.com/tpw/2002/jan/embrace-journey