A Forward Movement

A new exhibition at Peoria Magazines will feature the work of Peoria-based artists Jaci Musec and Haley Funk.

Jaci Musec
Jaci Musec

A new exhibition at Peoria Magazines will feature the work of Peoria-based artists Jaci Musec and Haley Funk. A Forward Movement was curated by fellow artist Jessica Bingham, curator of art at University Galleries of Illinois State University and cofounder of Project 1612, an independent artist space and micro-residency in Peoria.

The two artists are dealing with transitional periods of life and self-reflection in their work, Bingham explains. “While the life experiences they focus on in their paintings are incredibly different, the ways in which they approach life’s melancholy and burdensome obstacles are quite similar,” she says. “Through reflecting on personal memories, seasons of loss and love, growth and despair, both artists are… making work about the ephemerality and delicacy that we call life.” 

I am the Catapult by Haley Funk
“I am the Catapult” by Haley Funk

Haley Funk’s “Grey Area” is a body of work that emphasizes the void, or lack thereof—the “grey area” within herself. “After talking to a former professor, I realized that my life is captured in either black or white; there is no in between. That’s what sparked the idea for this series,” she explains. Funk’s paintings utilize basic design elements and principles of art—such as line, color, value and repetition—as unifying elements throughout her work.

Jaci Musec’s art “is an explorative extension of my physical being in this world,” she notes. Using acrylic paint, fabric, thread, mixed media, poetry, watercolor, latex paint, found objects, canvas and brushes, Musec works with themes of infertility, depression, anxiety, human connection and self-love—creating work that is abstract, intuitive, colorful and bold. “I strive to create work that is both healing and playful,” she adds.

A Forward Movement  will be on display at Peoria Magazines, 4736 N. University Street, from July through the end of September. The office is open Monday through Friday, 8am to 4:30pm. A reception will be held on Monday, July 15th from 4:30 to 6:00pm, and the public is invited to attend. PM

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Source URL: http://ww2.peoriamagazines.com/pm/2019/jul/forward-movement