Extended Startup Space

Brave Launch Extended will offer working space at no cost to alumni of the Brave Launch business accelerator program.

Turner Center for Entrepreneurship
Kate Carroll of UnityPoint Health, Kevin Evans of the Illinois Small Business Development Center, and Jim Foley of the Turner Center for Entrepreneurship

On June 11th, the Illinois Small Business Development Center and Turner Center for Entrepreneurship at Bradley University launched a new coworking space for business startups. Located inside the Peoria NEXT Innovation Center, the Brave Launch Extended space will offer working space at no cost to alumni of the Brave Launch business accelerator program. 

“In 2016, we created Brave Launch to help local entrepreneurs start and innovate new businesses over an intensive seven-week training program,” says Jim Foley, director of the Turner Center for Entrepreneurship. “However, after completing the program, teams don’t have a common working space in which to continue planning and innovating their business. The Brave Launch Extended space will offer such a coworking area.”

Currently, 20 teams that have graduated from the program will have access to Brave Launch Extended. Funding for the space was made possible through the support of UnityPoint Health – Methodist/Proctor Foundation, Migration Risk Management and Companion Life. PM

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