Innovations in Energy Efficiency

by Keith Martin
Ameren Illinois

Ameren Illinois has been helping others reduce energy through our Energy Efficiency Program since it was first created over 10 years ago. As director of energy efficiency, I provide information and incentives to help customers make changes that reduce their energy bills and preserve energy resources. 

There are many businesses and organizations that have made a significant impact in the area of energy efficiency. From new technologies and significant savings to creative ideas that benefit the entire community, there are some remarkable stories out there. As a way to acknowledge these efforts, we created the first-ever Ameren Illinois Energy Innovator Awards and recognized our winners with a ceremony in December. 

We received 39 submissions in total, each with a unique story to tell of how energy efficiency has transformed their organization. One library upgraded its lights for better-quality reading and used the savings to purchase more books for visitors. Another nonprofit put together energy efficiency classes for their clients to make saving energy simple and approachable. 

Peoria was represented among our winners, with the Greater Peoria Sanitary District taking top prize in the innovation category. A number of improvements were implemented to further enhance their waste removal process. Essentially, an upgrade to their biological treatment process through the Ameren Illinois Energy Efficiency program reduced their electrical usage by 175,000 kWh per month (a 13-percent reduction)—and also improved the quality of water being discharged into the Illinois River. 

We are proud to have these groups promoting energy efficiency throughout our service territory. Their commitment to sustainability is reaffirming of our mission to power the quality of life. If our Energy Efficiency Program can help others save energy and money, we've accomplished our goal. iBi

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