Take 10: Mike and Banu Hatfield

Mike and Banu Hatfield are dreamers and doers with five teenagers, two jobs, no pets, many nearly-dead plants and one ambitious goal. In addition to their day jobs at Caterpillar, they launched Zion Coffee Co. nearly three years ago to advance the lives of small coffee farmers through direct trade. The couple plans to open their first Zion Coffee Bar in Peoria’s Warehouse District this winter. Located at 803 SW Adams, the shop will feature direct-trade coffees, specialty drinks and locally-produced artisan foods.

  1. Favorite vacation spot: Some of our favorite family memories are from Disney World. It is, after all, the most magical place on earth. As a couple, New York City is our favorite. We love the energy, the diversity, the food, the coffee, and of course, Central Park!
  2. Secret ambition: Mike’s secret ambition for 2017 is to be an awesome drummer. Banu plans to wear a two-piece next summer. It’s the little things.
  3. Most treasured possession: We truly enjoy experiences more than owning things. We love the simple things in life: a gathering with friends, a bottle of wine, some crusty bread and Gouda cheese (more on that later). Having said that, I (Banu) must admit: I do love my little red Vespa.
  4. What is your motto? Love. Give. Serve.
  5. What would you say to your 20-year-old self? Turns out, it’s not about you. Also, see the previous question.
  6. What are you most proud of? As clichéd as it may sound, we are most proud of our children. They’re growing up to be kind-hearted young people, curious about the world, generous with their time and talents, and loving toward all people.
  7. What was your first car? Mike’s first car was a silver Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera—a hand-me-down from his parents and a real beaut. Banu’s first car (that she paid for herself) was a 1993 Mazda Miata convertible. (Believe it or not, I still drive that car. My apologies to the neighbors and Caterpillar colleagues for the malfunctioning air compressor and squealing belt.)
  8. How many hours of sleep do you need each night? Mike sleeps about five to six hours, and Banu’s good to go on four. We are both night owls and early birds—and we like it.
  9. What is something that always brings a smile to your face? Mike: 1,000 Days Gouda cheese (shared with our youngest son, Jack.) Banu: The ocean (shared with no one).
  10. If you could spend one hour doing absolutely anything, what would you do? Our lives are a little hectic nowadays... so we really have to be intentional about our down time. An hour of doing absolutely nothing would probably look like a nap. Priorities. a&s

Source URL: http://ww2.peoriamagazines.com/as/2017/jan-feb/take-10-mike-and-banu-hatfield