7 Tips for a Terrific Super Bowl Party

As the 51st Super Bowl draws near, sports fans around the world are anticipating the best ways to revel in the big day. If you’re planning your own extravaganza on February 5th, here are some tips to keep in mind as you put together a fun-filled celebration for all to enjoy!

7. Like games need equipment, parties need supplies.
Ever have a moment when you desperately need something, but realize you don’t have it on hand? Make sure you have every easily-forgotten item for those just-in-case moments! Here are a few to get you started: bottle openers and coolers; antacids, band aids and other first-aid items; and toilet paper. Don’t forget water, and last but not least, chairs—there are few things worse than not having seats for everyone!

6. Make it a team effort.
The Super Bowl is all about the teams that worked hard to reach the final game… why not make your party a team effort as well? To relieve some pressure from your budget and schedule, have your guests bring food, drinks or even their own chairs. As the party goes on, they can take turns taking out the trash, keeping social areas clean, and other tasks that ensure everyone has a good time—while thanking you for opening up your home.

5. Score a touchdown with fun foods.
Delicious, easy-to-eat food is a party staple, but there’s no need to make it complicated. When in doubt, finger foods like appetizers, chips and veggies are simple and in small-enough portions so everyone can go for seconds! It’s also easy to make healthy versions of your favorite foods: try making parmesan zucchini chips, whip up some turkey balls (instead of meatballs) or bake hot foods instead of frying them. And don’t forget to invite guests to bring their own—especially to account for diets and allergies.

4. Less trash talk.
Parties are notorious for leaving garbage behind, but some careful planning can reduce some of the anticipated waste. For example, use washable cutlery and napkins (you’ll have to do the dishes and laundry at some point, anyway!), buy two-liters of soda instead of cans, and purchase durable decorations you can save for next year. And of course, don’t forget to take full advantage of your neighborhood’s recycling services.

3. Move the game off-screen.
With all the downtime between plays and quarters, why not keep the game going with your guests? There are many ways to spark friendly competition, from “Super Bowl commercial bingo” to (moneyless) betting on the winning team to a trivia challenge. You can even fundraise for a worthy cause: have the losers of any game add cash to a collection jar, and donate the proceeds to charity!

2. Prepare the “field” and deck out your space.
Everyone is excited to celebrate, so make sure your place is up to the task. You can easily decorate with wall art like streamers and posters, or mix décor with AstroTurf coasters, football-shaped napkins, team-themed drink cozies… whatever enhances the atmosphere and suits your style without cluttering your space.

1. Relax on the sidelines and have fun.
This isn’t just about the game… it’s about spending time with friends and family, and enjoying the company of those around you. So no matter who wins, don’t forget your number-one task: have a good time! a&s

Source URL: http://ww2.peoriamagazines.com/as/2017/jan-feb/7-tips-terrific-super-bowl-party